Maximizing Comfort and Efficiency: The Essential Guide for the HVAC Service Plan

Why do I need an HVAC service plan?

Home heating, and air conditioning systems are not maintenance-free. All mechanical systems require routine monitoring, adjustments, and cleaning and eventually require the replacement of components. Most manufacturers' warranties require regularly scheduled HVAC maintenance to honor warranty claims.

HVAC Contractors use different approaches for inspecting and maintaining heating and air conditioning systems. There are many types and intensity levels of “seasonal tune-ups”, “clean and checks”, and “maintenance visits” performed on HVAC systems.

Residential HVAC systems must provide a comfortable, healthy indoor environment and operate efficiently. The Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) provides a nationally recognized, manufacturer-endorsed set of inspections that meet this need if used. Using the ACCA guidance, homeowners can compare the value of the additional recommended repairs needed to remedy identified faults. For contractors, it provides a baseline for creating a customized HVAC maintenance plan, allowing for bundling different recommended repairs at a competitive price.

Many heating and air conditioning systems do not achieve performance objectives because of the system:

  • Was incorrectly designed, selected, installed, or

  • Is it beyond the normal service life, or

  • Has suffered neglect for long periods.

No HVAC Service Plan... It’s a slow death.

Your brand new air conditioner if installed and matched correctly is running at top efficiency. Even after a couple of years, there is no apparent sign of slowing down. But as time passes, your outdoor coil has layers of dirt and debris, contactors start sticking, capacitors start diminishing, and the bugs and things start to make a home of that warm, dry casing. The motors and compressors begin running hotter. That coil just isn’t transferring heat as that layer gets thicker.

The compressor and motors start to work harder, draw more current, and remove less heat. Hotter motors have hotter bearings that wear much quicker and it’s getting noticeably louder than they used to be. Because we measure everything in dollars and cents, the slow loss of efficiency in your heat pump or air conditioner goes unnoticed until… There’s a big bump in your utility bill or it just stops running together. Of course, it never stops running on a pleasant Tuesday afternoon when you have your windows open anyway. It’s 10 or 90 degrees and the in-laws are on the way.

All of these things are going to happen. But they happen at a much more rapid rate if they are neglected. Your HVAC system will last a very long time with fairly minor maintenance practices and inspections. ACCA recommends inspections and maintenance twice a year based on the type of equipment and the environment in which they are operated.

East Tennessee’s changing weather, especially during season transitions, requires many Tennesseans to cycle their units between heat and cool. This frequency of operation makes semiannual inspections imperative to the health of your heating and cooling system

The Benefits of an HVAC Service Plan

Preventive HVAC maintenance checks on your heating and air system will:

  • Reduce service calls and prevent unnecessary failures and emergency service visits for your air conditioning unit, furnace, and air handlers that start adding up over the life of your unit.

  • Promote the efficiency of your HVAC system saving you money on your annual energy bills. Your heating and air system is the largest energy consumer in your home. More than half of your monthly utility bill is from heating and cooling your home.

  • Predict costly failures on your HVAC system that provide peace of mind and allow you to plan rather than be caught off guard by an unplanned air conditioner installation.

  • Extend the life of your heating and air system, getting the most from the most significant investment that you make in your home.

What Contractor has the best HVAC Service Plans?

HVAC companies that perform HVAC maintenance on residential systems should be properly licensed and insured. Some HVAC companies have a practice of delegating HVAC maintenance to junior technicians. Contractors should strive to have the highest quality technicians perform maintenance for their customers. These technicians should be fully knowledgeable about the proper operation of the systems they are working on, including the individual components.

Technicians who are certified by a national program have demonstrated the knowledge needed to perform annual maintenance checks on any air conditioning system.

What Do HVAC Service Plans Entail

Based on the document "ANSI / ACCA 4 QM – 2019 (Maintenance of Residential HVAC Systems)", it is clear that regular maintenance of HVAC systems is crucial for ensuring efficient operation and longevity. The standard emphasizes the importance of routine checks, adjustments, cleaning, and eventual component replacement. These measures are not only necessary to maintain the manufacturer's warranty but are also essential for ensuring a comfortable and healthy indoor environment.

Regularly scheduled inspections and maintenance, as outlined in the standard, involve a variety of tasks, from basic visual inspections to performance tests and measurements. These tasks are designed to identify and rectify any faults, ensuring that the systems remain in good working order. The document underscores the need for qualified and certified HVAC technicians to perform these tasks, ensuring the highest quality of service.

Furthermore, the standard highlights that while routine maintenance is typically conducted on an annual or semiannual basis, the exact frequency may vary based on specific needs and conditions. This approach not only extends the efficiency and life of the equipment but also contributes to healthier indoor air quality, reduced utility costs, and prevention of unexpected failures.

In conclusion, adhering to the guidelines and maintenance schedules outlined in the "ANSI / ACCA 4 QM – 2019" standard is imperative for homeowners and contractors alike. This ensures that residential HVAC systems operate at their best, providing comfortable living environments while also being cost-effective and environmentally friendly.

Responsibilities for an HVAC maintenance inspection:

HVAC contractor’s responsibilities:

Appropriately licensed HVAC contractors shall:

Inspect HVAC units and components to identify faults using the following references: manufacturer instructions, building codes, safety or health standards, environmental regulations, and recognized industry practices.

Inform the customer of improper operation finding(s), corrective action(s) taken, repair(s) recommended, and the price to complete the repairs.

Homeowner’s responsibilities:

The homeowner is ultimately responsible for the HVAC unit's required preventive maintenance. They must choose their own licensed and certified HVAC company to either perform tune-ups or implement the HVAC maintenance plan.

The homeowner must understand which corrective actions are covered in the maintenance contract and which repairs require authorization to perform service on the equipment.

HVAC Maintenance Equipment Inventory

Based on the referenced document, an equipment inventory for HVAC systems typically involves the following components:

  1. Identification of Equipment Types: This includes categorizing different types of HVAC equipment present in a residence, such as air conditioners, furnaces, heat pumps, and others.

  2. Visual Inspections: Performing visual checks of the equipment to assess its condition. This may involve looking for any visible signs of wear, damage, or potential issues that could affect the system's performance.

  3. Performance Tests and Measurements: Conducting tests to evaluate the performance of the equipment. This might include checking the efficiency, output, and other operational aspects of the HVAC system.

  4. Recording Equipment Specifications: Noting down specific details of each piece of equipment, such as make, model, serial number, age, and any unique features or specifications. This information is crucial for maintenance, repairs, and replacements.

  5. Assessment of Condition: Determining the current state of the equipment, whether it's in good working order, needs minor repairs, or requires major overhauls or replacement.

  6. Warranty Information: Documenting warranty details for each piece of equipment, is important for understanding the coverage for repairs and replacements.

  7. Maintenance History: Keeping a record of past maintenance activities, repairs, and any replacements done on each piece of equipment. This history helps in planning future maintenance and understanding recurring issues.

  8. Manufacturer’s Performance Data: Where available, including the performance data provided by the equipment manufacturers. This is especially relevant for assessing whether the equipment is meeting its expected performance standards.

An equipment inventory is a critical part of maintaining residential HVAC systems, as it provides a comprehensive overview of the current state and needs of the system, and helps in planning effective maintenance and upgrades.

HVAC Maintenance Plan Perks

Most heating and air conditioning companies offer perks with their service plan contracts. Typical preventive maintenance plans include:

  1. An initial maintenance visit followed by a semi-annual tune-up for a total of 2 visits per year.

  2. On top of the tune-ups, you'll usually get priority service.

  3. For emergency service, there will be no additional after-hours cost.

  4. Some companies also offer free filter changes.

  5. Typically, a discount is included for labor and materials associated with repairs.

  6. Visits are typically arranged and scheduled related to season changes. Air conditioners are the focus in the Spring and Furnaces are the focus during the Fall.


In conclusion, HVAC service plans are essential for maintaining the efficiency and longevity of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems. These plans typically include regular maintenance checks, which are vital to ensure systems operate at peak performance and to identify potential issues before they become major problems. The frequency of these checks varies, but they are often scheduled annually or semi-annually. Perks of these plans can include priority service, discounts on parts and labor, and peace of mind knowing that HVAC systems are in optimal condition. Overall, investing in an HVAC service plan is a wise decision for homeowners and businesses alike, offering both financial and practical benefits.


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